At Turves Green Boys’ School, we aim to equip our pupils with the key knowledge, skills and values combined with enriching experiences to enable them to thrive in their chosen career path. Our high-quality careers advice and guidance is an essential part of our wider curriculum and is designed to support every pupil’s aspirations, strengths and skills. We aim to:
Prepare our pupils for the transition to life beyond secondary school (further and higher education, apprenticeships and the world of work).
Provide pupils from Year 7 upwards with well-rounded CEIAG (careers education, information, advice and guidance) experiences in order to inspire and motivate their aspirations.
Support pupils to make informed decisions which are ambitious and provide guidance on GCSEs, post-16 courses, university, apprenticeships and employment.
Develop the employability skills of our pupils and characteristics in communication, resilience, leadership and social skills.
Our careers programme follows the Gatsby Benchmarks, which is the best practice framework for careers education and guidance in secondary schools. This provides a rounded programme for all pupils throughout their study at Turves Green Boys’ School, ensuring that all pupils learn about careers and the world of work.

Meet Your
Careers Lead.
Mr Woodall is on hand to provide advise and guidance and plays a pivotal role in empowering our pupils to make informed decisions about their career paths and supporting them in achieving their professional goals. You can contact Mr Woodallvia or 0121 483 2890.
Pupils can book a meeting by asking their tutor or speaking to Mr Woodall. You can also email your request directly.
Careers Advisor – Mr D Tehan

Start Profile.
Start is a free, online careers platform designed to connect pupils with their future career potential. It is a personalised careers planning tool, helping pupils to make more informed decisions about their future study and career options, as well as developing their employability. Pupils will sign up with their tutor in school and can log back in HERE.
Careers Guidance
Explore our Careers website and all the tabs above for a wealth of resources on various career paths and next steps.