At Barr Beacon School we work in partnership with a range of employers and education providers to offer a wide-ranging, inspiring and exciting careers programme to help every pupil achieve their full potential. We offer impartial, well-informed, up-to-date advice and guidance on the full range of opportunities available.
As well as providing a large selection of careers events and activities throughout the year, which are tailored to the needs of each pupil, we also take a whole school approach to careers education. All staff, our Careers Champions, our Alumni, local employers and higher education representatives help to drive forward a programme which raises aspirations, challenges stereotypical thinking and promotes equality and diversity.
Our pupils need to be prepared for the evolving working world and so, at the heart of our Careers Programme, is a focus on building up essential lifelong employability skills. Our Skills 4 Life approach helps pupils to see the value in everything they do for their wider careers and teaches the philosophy that careers education is a life long journey.
Barr Beacon School has been recognised for its excellent work within careers. In 2018, we were appointed as the Lead School for Walsall in the Black Country Careers Hub. We go beyond simply helping our own pupils, and have built strong partnerships with local schools and businesses to share best practice and improve careers education for every child in the Black Country.

Meet Your
Careers Lead.
Miss Killick is on hand to provide advise and guidance and plays a pivotal role in empowering our pupils to make informed decisions about their career paths and supporting them in achieving their professional goals. You can contact Miss Killick via or 0121 366 6600.
Pupils can book a meeting by asking their tutor or speaking to Miss Killick in the Sixth Form Office. You can also email your request directly to Miss Killick.

Globalbridge is a free, online careers platform that empowers our pupils to showcase their talents and stand out from the crowd. Pupils create a media rich online profile showcasing their academic and wider achievements and track the skills they develop through their experiences in and out of school. In the future, this can be used as a digital CV or record of achievement. With lifetime access to the platform, pupils can continue building their profile after leaving school. Globalbridge also gives students access to a wide range of career insights with employers.
Careers Guidance
Explore our Careers website and all the tabs above for a wealth of resources on various career paths and next steps.

Calling All Alumni
If you’re a former student of Barr Beacon School, we want to hear from you!
Your experiences since leaving could help to motivate and inspire our current students to feel more confident in making decisions about their future. We’d love you to join our Alumni Network and stay connected with the school.
You can choose how and when you help – perhaps you can act as a career and education role model, provide work experience or become a mentor in person or online.
To sign up, just follow this link and fill in the online form – we promise it will only take a couple of minutes